Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Its a Celebration! (by nikki)

Its a celebration my ass! I'm half kidding. I do love, at the end of yoga practice the honor paid to one's body, to one's spirit, to one's energy. Celebrating the time spent in practice, celebrating your body and your abilities. I am exceedingly blessed to have a body that moves, that is healthy, that can accept this yoga challenge and perform.
HOWEVER, I seriously thought I was going to pass out and/or vomit today. I may have even puked a little in my mouth! I attended a Hot Yoga Flow class. I went to the same class last Wednesday and it was hard. Super duper hard. I couldn't do everything, I had to take breaks when no one else did. Today, I was nervous to go, but I feel like I am stronger, I was feeling positive that I would do better today, that it might just suck a little less this time. Because the first time, the first class is the hardest, right? Not always. Today, I had to step out of the room. I have never done that before. Leading up to that, I was taking breaks, I wasn't able to do everything, I was trying, but my focus wasn't there, I was stumbling, I wasn't strong. Although, at the beginning I did do better than last week. But, it didn't last. So, I feel sort of defeated. I feel embarassed. I was that guy in class who couldn't do it. I know it was difficult for everyone, but when I had to break, I was the only one. I'm sure I wasn't, all the time - but it sure felt like it.
So - it really was a celebration . . . when it was OVER. But, also a celebration of day 10 of the yoga challenge. A celebration of my commitment to myself and my body and to my friend!

The Hot Flow and Hot Bikram are 90 minute classes practiced in a room heated to 105 degrees. It helps your muscles go deeper and allows you to hold poses longer than you may be able to otherwise. They are also very regimented . . . its the same class , well, the same moves - each time. This is is great because your muscles remember and you are able to see results, fast. They are beginner level classes, but they are hard. The heat can be oppressive at times, the sweat makes the mat slippery, you can't hang on as well, your face is dripping, your hair is crazy, your face is red and your head is thumping. But, afterwards, it feels like you just had a sauna and a massage!
Its only through pushing to your edge do you improve. I just wish I could have done more tonight.
Next time!


  1. I commend you both. Stick to it! I know if I take a day break...I am done. Nik-I have no suggestions on how not to look at a clock except to get away from it. That is the only thing that works for me.

  2. Nikki, I find that really closing your eyes and breathing very deeply during the classes can help - of course I haven't done hot yoga, which I still think is insane! ;

    But for me, if I ever feel like time is moving too slowly in class, I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths and it seems to help!

    LOVE you girls!!!
